Works Consulted:  is the term used for the list of sources used in the preparation of a research project.  It is used to list background reading, summarized sources, or any sources used for informational purposes but not paraphrased or quoted.  It is used to document those sources referred to, but not cited in your project.

Works Cited:  is the term for the list of sources actually documented (paraphrased or quoted) in your project, generally through parenthetical citation. All of the parenthetical references in the paper or project should lead the reader to this list of sources.

Should I use one or both?

Preparing the Works Cited and Works Consulted Pages:

·         Head a new sheet of paper “Works Cited” or “Works Consulted”  (Do not use quotation marks around your title.)

·         Alphabetize your sources by author, or first entry, which may be an association or a title, if no author is noted. This should be easy if you have collected source cards.

·         Place the “Works Cited” page(s) immediately after the last page of the text. 

·       If your paper includes both Works Cited and Works Consulted, the Works Consulted page should follow the Works Cited page.